MOI Forces Academy | Armed Forces Children

MOI Forces Academy is one of the best Military Schools for the children of Armed Forces Personnel. It also serves as an onboarding school and Military Academy. Moi Academy is one of the oldest schools. Its foundation was built by the former President of Kenya at the request of school students.

It is not only a center for Academic Education but other co-curricular activities are also carried out at Academy to Groom the students in Many Other Directions and enhance their other skills. The school has a proper strict schedule and proper uniform which is compulsory for the students to wear while attending the respective activities arranged by the College.

MOI Forces Academy

History of MOI Forces Academy

MOI Forces Academy has a very interesting and unique history of its foundation. At the end of the 20th century, the former President of Kenya Visited MOI Air Base, where a little child requested the former President of Kenya to solve their Problem of Education because the School was very far from them to travel every day.

Kenya Air Forces Role

After starting the foundation of MOI Forces Academy, the Kenya Air Forces has also played their role in this great project by donating land by MOI Air Base for MOI Academy of Kenya.

MOI Forces Academy Lannat

In 1990, the girl’s section was wholly separated from MOI Forces Academy and was shifted to Lannat. Now, It is called MOI Forces Academy Lannat. It is one of the good steps that was taken early in the 20th century to provide a complete learning environment for girls to learn and grow. Girls within their community can learn more easily.

Education and Detail

MOI Forces Academy provides quality education to train the children so that they can play a great role in the future in making a good name for their country. The school has advanced laboratories and Libraries where practicals are performed to clear the concepts of students about science theories. Sports activities are also part of the daily schedule of Children at MOI Academy of Forces.

Address of the College

Address of Moi Academy is;

Postal address:
P.O Box 77155-00611

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