Use our Fast Air University Aggregate Calculator 2025 to calculate your AU Aggregate. Also called Air University Merit Calculator. Enter your Matric, FSc, and Air University Entry Test obtained and your Total Marks to calculate your AU aggregate instantly.
This is a fast and accurate calculator that is best for students to find their chances of admission to Air University, which is the desire of many students, but few are selected. This Merit Calculator works on Updated Formula used for Calculation AU Merit Aggregate Calculation.

Air University Aggregate Calculator
Air University Aggregate Formula Updated 2025
Weightage Formula used for calculating aggregate updated 2025 is as follow;
Aggregate=(10%×Matric)+(40%×FSc)+(50%×Entry Test)
How To Use Air University Aggregate CAlculator?
The use of our Advance and Updated Air University Aggregate Calculator 2025 is very simple and easy. If still facing any difficulty please follow the steps given below.
Enter your obtained and total marks of matriculation.
Enter your obtained and total marks of Intermediate FSc/A-level.
Enter your obtained and total marks of Air University Entry Test.
Now Click on “Calculate” button and you will get the Aggregate you have achieved for Air University Admission Merit List.
Example of Using Air University Merit Calculator
Assume you have the following marks:
Matric Marks: 950/1100 = 86.36%
FSc Marks: 900/1100 = 81.81 %
Entry Test Marks: 75/100 = 75%
Now Apply Weightage Formula For Air University Aggregate
Importance of Using Air University Aggregate Calculator
Using our Air University Merit Calculator for aggregate calculation is very helpful for students in many ways. It helps to save their time and energy and also free them from anxiety. Also helps the students to estimate their chances of admission and set their goals clearly and smartly. It is very time-consuming to calculate your Air University Merit Aggregate manually and there are more chances of Human Error in calculating your aggregate manually. So use our Updated Air University Aggregate Calculator to find your chances of admission.
Air University CBT (Computer Based Test)
Air University CBT (Computer-Based Test) is an online entrance test conducted for students who want to be admitted by Air University Staff for admissions. It replaces traditional paper-based exams, allowing candidates to take the test on a computer at designated test centers, according to Air University Admission Criteria.
Air University Merit Criteria For Admission
University is providing admission to intelligent and hardworking students on a purely merit-based. In merit they typically consider the Academic Background of student and Air University Entry Test Marks. The more a student secures an aggregate score the more he will have chances in the Merit List of Air University. Use the Above AU Merit Calculator to find your Aggregate now.
FAQs On Air University Aggregate Calculator
What if I don not know my AU Enrty Test Obtained Marks?
If you do not know your Air University obtained marks don’t worry, you can calculate your approximate Aggregate for Air University Merit by using the above Air University Aggregate Calculator. Enter the estimated marks in the Aggregate Calculator for Air University you are expecting from your performance in the AU Entry Test.
How To improve aggregate score for Air University Merit?
To improve your aggregate score for Air University you need to secure good marks in both the Academic and Air University Entry Test.
How To increase chances of Admission in Air Univeristy?
The more your aggregate score the more will you have a chance of Admission to Air University which is one of the Top Universities in Pakistan.
What to do if not selected in Air University?
There are many alternatives available for you if you are not selected in the AU Merit List. There are many Top Best Medical Colleges in Pakistan providing Best Education Opportunity for Students to make their future bright and successful.
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