ISSB Detail Information and Complete Guidelines

ISSB is the most difficult and one of the complex Selection Exams in Pakistan. ISSB is the process of complete step by step selection Tests to evaluate the qualities of individual to find out that whether he is qualified for Military leadership and Commandership to lead his soldiers in every type of situation, either peace or war time.

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Introduction To ISSB

ISSB is the abbreviation of Inter Services Selection Board commonly called ISSB. It is composed of Board of officers from all Armed Forces in Pakistan. The intelligent  and most qualified officers then select the future officers of Pakistan.

How Many Types of Tests are Conducted at ISSB?

ISSB (inter services selection board) is a complete 5 days selection procedure. There are 4 types of tests normally conducted at ISSB. These below tests are majorly divided in to 4 categories.

Screening Test

Psychological Test

GTO (Group Testing Officer)


Which Part of Test is more Important For Recommendation?

Every mini second is important for your recommendation in ISSB. If you do not perform well in one type of test you should not lose your heart but remain consistent for your goal. And same way when you perform very well in one type of test you should not be over-confident in the next part of exam because over-confidence can render your Not-Suitable for recommendation

1st Day At ISSB Selection Centre

After reporting of all candidates at ISSB selectiion Centre, required documentation are fillef by all candidates. These doccuments contain mostly Bio-Data Forms and some important Test are also carried out. In 

Screening Test AT ISSB

Screening Test is normally composed of Verbal and Non-Verbal Intelligence Test. In past when a candidate failed to clear screening test his further procedure was then stopped but now all candidates have to complete 5 days selection procedure until a candidate show some misbehaviour to the staff.

2nd Day AT ISSB Centre (Psych Day)

Second Day at ISSB is the most crucial day ISSB. All important psychological Tests are carried out on 2nd day of ISSB from all Candidates. It is the day which will mostly decide the recommendation of candidate. If your psychological Test performed well then your further Tests will also be good. 

Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) –Picture Story Writing .

Word Association Test (WAT)

Situation Reaction Test (SRT)

Self Description Test (SD)

Which Day is most Important in ISSB?

All days are important at ISSB for a candidate. But the most important day for all candidates is 2nd Day which is also called psychology Test Day.

3rd Day At ISSB Centre (GTO Day)

Group discussion

Group Planning Exercise 

Progressive Group Tasks

Half Group Tasks

Individual Obstacles

Command Task

Final Group Task

4th Day at ISSB Selection Centre (President Day)

Individual Obstacles (if not completed earlier)

Candidates who could not complete their individual obstacles earlier are given a chance to attempt them.

Performance in these obstacles contributes to your final assessment.

Deputy President's Interview

 The most critical part of President’s Day is the final interview with the Deputy President of ISSB.

This interview determines your final recommendation based on your overall performance.

5th Day (Final Day) At ISSB Centre

Final Board Conference (Selection Committee Meeting)

The selection board (comprising psychologists, GTOs, and the Deputy President) holds a final discussion about each candidate’s performance.

They review assessments from psychological tests, group tasks, interviews, and overall conduct.

If there is any doubt about a candidate’s performance, they may conduct a re-interview to clarify any issues.

Re-Interview (If Needed)

Some candidates, whose results are not clear, may be called for a re-interview with the Deputy President or another senior officer.

This interview helps in making a final decision about their recommendation.

The questions may be similar to the previous interview, but with a focus on weak areas.

Announcement of Results (Recommendation Status)

Candidates are gathered, and results are announced.

You will not be told immediately whether you are selected or not. Instead, you will receive an ISSB Recommendation Letter if you are recommended.

Recommended candidates will later be called for final medical tests at CMH (Combined Military Hospital).

What are Important Points About ISSB Final Day?

  •  ISSB does not immediately reveal individual marks or detailed feedback.
  •  The final decision is based on combined performance in all tests.
  • No retest is conducted at ISSB; if you fail, you must wait for the next chance.

What does the ISSB Look For?

ISSB looks for Motivated, Talented and Hard worker Candidates. They asses the Candidates to ensure they are suitable for Military environment. There are specific requirements and criteria for getting commission in the Armed Forces of Pakistan as an Officer.

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