This is a fundamental question, can I join military at 16? normally asked by School Students mostly those who are very much Motivated to join Army Just After Matriculation. The question is Can I Join Military at 16? Yes exactly you can join the Military at 16 but it depends on the country’s Army Requirements and the post for which you are applying.
Many forces in the World allow you to join the Military at 16. However, some countries’ military have different criteria for joining for age.
Most Important Thing to Join Military at 16
The most important thing that is to be kept in mind while asking this question can I join Military at 16? is to know for which position or in which trade you are applying.
To Join as A Soldier
To join as a Soldier you are mostly allowed to join the military at 16 in most of the international forces of the world. But as you are going for other positions the criteria may not remain the same for age.
To Join As an Officer
To Join as an Officer the Age criteria may change because mostly the minimum age for Joining the Military as an Officer is 18.
Topics Covered In This Page :
Should I Join as An Officer or Soldier ?
It depends on your mindset and your education and experience that which one is best for you. But if you are a student and want to join the military in the future then it is best advised for you to join the military as an Officer. Being an Officer you will be able to bring Changes in the environment and you will act as a leader in the Military but as a Soldier, you will mostly be treated like a worker or Labour.
Can i Join Military at 45 years Old?
Yes, you can join MIlitary when you are at 45 years old but not as a soldier but in mostly civilian trades or in some special trades which depends on the need of time. Some posts may require some special experience which only you have then there are chances for you to join military at 45 years old or may above this age.
Is Joining Military Dangerous?
Yes, exactly joining the military is dangerous and also difficult for those who cannot survive in the strict disciplined environment of the military. After joining the military, there are also chances of being you to the Battle Field where you have to fight with the enemy which is exactly a very dangerous task for a normal person. But if a person has courage and strong determination then only he can face such type of risky tasks and can live with motivation in a military environment. It may also clear your 1st question, Can I Join Military at 16?
Should I Join the Military if I am Depressed?
You will get the answer to this question easily, and your confusion will clear up if you read with full focus. To get rid of depression, the best way is to keep yourself busy, and in the Military they often keep the young Soldiers busy with something which they may like or not but you will have to do. On the other hand, if you apply this rule in your civil environment and you are keeping yourself busy in any task of your interest then it will be more better for you to get rid of depression.
But if your purpose is not only to get rid of depression but you want to serve in the military and you are depressed then you can join and it will help you a lot to get rid of such a dangerous habit.
Please, note that the information provided in this article is the personal experience of the person serving himself in the military. For a better answer, you must ask more military personnel to clear your confusion and make a good decision.
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